A Plea in Verse from Leitrim by Séamus O'Rourke

Picture: Picturesque North Leitrim Glens - Leitrim, a county of 140 lakes but only 30,000 people on the south west border of the Republic and north of Ireland / Credit: extra.ie
Publishing poetry, as The Hub is becoming aware, opens up the world of different poetry genres. So far The Hub has hosted Mining, Suffragette, Animal, Wind, Aunt (and Uncle!), Tree and Autumn poetry.
The Hub's Poetry page is a home for good poetry of many genres. So, it is a pleasure to welcome the first example of Brexit poetry to these pages.
A warm welcome to Séamus O'Rourke author of Hard Border, a wry commentary from his native Irish border county Leitrim, on Brexit and the joys of cross border smugglin'. O'Rourke has presented a one man show on all things Leitrim. You can watch Séamus O'Rourke read his poem The Hard Border by clicking on the video link below.
Video: The Hard Border - Poetry from Leitrim / Credit: RTE Radio 1
Séamus O'Rourke

Picture: Séamus O'Rourke in full flow / Credit: seamusorourke.com
Séamus O’Rourke is a writer, director and actor. As a writer, his plays include Ride On(Livin’ Dred 2011), dig, Down and The Trappe Family(The Corn Mill Theatre), The Halfway House Hotel and Stale Mate(Canal Studio-Backstage Theatre), For Club and County(Moth Productions), dig, Victor’s Dung(Big Guerilla Productions) and his four One-Man-Shows; The Sand Park, Padraig Potts’ Guide to Walking, Indigestion and My Aunt Bee(Big Guerilla Productions).
Séamus has also over two million hits on YouTube and Social Media with his short stories, recitations and sketches. He recently released A Lock of Poems, Recitations and Good Ones – a collection of his much-loved poems and recitations and in 2020 he released his memoir Standing in Gaps, both of which are available from his online shop.